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cabin crew

美 [ˈkæbɪn kruː]英 [ˈkæbɪn kruː]
  • n.(飞机上的)全体乘务员

复数: cabin crews

cabin crewcabin crew


C + sing./pl. v.(飞机上的)全体乘务员
the people whose job is to take care of passengers on a plane

cabin crew


  • 1
    N-COUNT-COLL (飞机上的)乘务人员;机组乘务员
    The cabin crew on an aircraft are the people whose job is to look after the passengers.

    He was assured by a senior member of the cabin crew that there definitely was not an emergency.


  1. Read this extract from an information booklet about the work of an airline cabin crew .


  2. He was assured by a senior member of the cabin crew that there definitely was not an emergency .


  3. Cabin crew have been giving evidence at the M1 aircrash enquiry .


  4. The cabin crew will be coming around in about twenty minutes time to offer you a light snack and beverage5 , and the inflight movie will begin shortly after that .


  5. Our cabin crew will now give a quick safety demonstration .


  6. Analyses of mental health condition and personality of 105 cabin crew capital international airport


  7. Cabin crew , please stand by for take off .


  8. Please pay attention to your cabin crew .


  9. Objective To understand the cabin crew mental health condition and the factors which affect their mental health .


  10. The passenger had to be restrained by four members of the cabin crew .


  11. Cabin crew are the real seasoned travelers.They always know the right places to visit when down-route .


  12. India 's national carrier Air India is set to ground 125 " overweight " cabin crew members .


  13. The cabin crew will now start to serve refreshments .


  14. It 's a big job , especially when you consider that the airline concerned employs 10,000 cabin crew .


  15. Just before Christmas , the airline averted another strike threat by cabin crew over its medical insurance policy .


  16. Strike is off , the judge says plans for a by a British Airway 's Cabin Crew cannot happen .


  17. If you have any question regards any of the safety procedures , please ask a member of your cabin crew now .


  18. Ideally , passengers , not cabin crew , should take make-up off at the start of a flight .


  19. Frustrated passengers have taken their anger out on airport staff and cabin crew after a summer of delays .


  20. There were 286 passengers aboard , including three infants , as well as three flight deck crew and 12 cabin crew .


  21. However , national union leader Tapan Sen denied that service rules mention any firm weight restriction for cabin crew .


  22. The times of India said the flight and cabin crew complained of not getting enough rest as their hotel was too noisy .


  23. Additional lifejackets and flotation cots for small children and babies will be given out by the cabin crew .


  24. Your nearest exit , which maybe behind you , is being pointed out to you now by your cabin crew .


  25. In a moment we will be showing you a short safety video , and cabin crew will be on hand to demonstrate a few key features .


  26. Last week 's order to United Continental cabin crew to remove four passengers from an aircraft about to take off from Chicago was an excellent example .


  27. The passengers prepared for the worst until cabin crew came out to reassure them the message had been played in error by the computer .


  28. They said the basis for the recommendation was concern that " unfit " cabin crew would not be able to operate efficiently in emergency situations .


  29. The cabin crew was notified of an impending emergency landing , and the cabin and passengers were prepared for the landing .


  30. Recent statistics show that BA cabin crew earn twice what rival airlines pay and none of its competitors has BA 's huge pension burden either .
